14 years later

Something about the video below and the newest draftee for the Houston Rockets compelled me to return to this long abandoned space and ruminate on what is happening in Houston.

Last week the Rockets added Amen Thompson and Cam Thomas to an already crowded athletic and young basketball team. Just a few years ago all hope rested in the hands of a team of veterans who kept running into the team that would ultimately make it to the Finals. Fast forward past trade demands, not the best coaching and an entire new management and the Rockets have at last the look of something worthwhile. Amen alone is showing signs of being someone that could carry a franchise and help to market the Rockets in a way that they have not had in my lifetime. Can you name a Rockets player that was or is as charismatic, charming and as athletic as Amen. I have watched so many Rockets players interviews and they mostly are the protocol responses. “Blah blah work hard, blah blah.” Hope that Amen can bring a fresh perspective on the basketball talk and begin to reshape the narrative nationally about how the Rockets are perceived. Winning some games would also help!

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